Sunday, October 28, 2007

Formation of a waterfall

Typically, a river flows over a large step in the rocks which may have been formed by a fault line. Over a period of years, the boundaries of this shelf will gradually break away and the waterfall will steadily retreat upstream, creating a gorge of depression. Often, the rock layer just below the more resistant shelf will be of a softer type, meaning undercutting, due to splashback, will occur here to form a thin cave-like formation known as a rock shelter under and behind the waterfall. Finally, the outcropping, more resistant cap rock will fall down under pressure to add blocks of rock to the base of the waterfall. These blocks of rock are then broken down into smaller boulders by attrition as they crash with each other, and they also erode the base of the waterfall by abrasion, creating a deep plunge pool.

Adult Halloween Costume

Monday, October 22, 2007


Astrology is a set of systems, traditions, and idea in which knowledge of the relative positions of celestial bodies and correlated details is held to be useful in understanding, interpreting, and organizing information regarding personality, human relationships, and further terrestrial matters. A practitioner of astrology is called an astrologer. In history, the term mathematic was used to signify a person capable in astrology, astronomy, and mathematics.

Even though the two fields allocate a familiar origin, modern astronomy is totally different from astrology. Astronomy is the scientific study of astronomical matter and phenomena, while astrology is anxious with the attempt to correlate these phenomena with worldly affairs. Astrology is variously careful by its proponents to be a symbolic language, a form of art or science. The scientific community normally considers astrology to be a pseudoscience as astrologers have abortive empirical tests in prohibited studies. Despite the need of scientific evidence, trust in astrology is widespread.

Halloween Costume

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Yoga is one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy, focusing on meditation as a trail to self-knowledge and freedom. Yoga is seen as a means to mutually physiological and spiritual mastery. Outside India, Yoga has become mainly related with the practice of asanas of Hatha Yoga, although it has influenced the whole dharmic religions family and other spiritual practices throughout the world

5,000 year old carvings from the Indus Valley Civilization represent a figure that archaeologists think represents a yogi sitting in meditation posture. The sitting in a conventional cross-legged yoga pose with its hands resting on its knees. The explorer of the seal, archaeologist Sir John Marshall, named the figure Shiva Pashupati.

A seal from the Indus Valley Civilization, The first known written reference to yoga is in the Rig Veda, likely by the western scholars to be at least 3,500 years old. The Upanishads, Bhagavad-Gita, and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali also converse the concepts and teachings of yoga.

Adult Halloween Costume

Saturday, October 06, 2007


Cooking is the act of preparing food for eating. The term cooking encompasses all methods of food preparation with non-heated methods. It encompasses a huge range of methods, tools and combinations of ingredients to change the taste or digestibility of food. It is the method of select, measuring and combining of ingredients in an planned procedure in an try to get the desired result. Factors affecting the finishing outcome include the inconsistency of ingredients, ambient conditions, tools, and the skill of the person doing the actual cooking.

The variety of cooking universal is a reflection of the many nutritional, aesthetic, agricultural, cultural and religious considerations that crash upon it.

Cooking frequently requires applying heat to a food, which regularly, though not always, chemically transforms it, thus varying its flavor, texture, appearance, and nutritional properties. There is archaeological proof of roasted foodstuffs, both animal and vegetable, in human campsites dating from the initial known use of fire, some 800,000 years ago.

Halloween Costume